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Heathen Kindred Map

The map below shows all the UK Kindreds that are part of the confederation. Simply zoom in around your area and select the pin closest to you in order to see your local Kindreds information. The locations are a general area for the Kindreds.

Get in Touch

The Pagan Federation


The Pagan Federation works towards a world where people of all Paganisms are free to be themselves

Hampshire Heathens


A group for followers of Germanic polytheism (heathenism) based within the county of Hampshire. We meet regularly a various destinations within Hampshire with a focus on places that are easily accessible by public transport.

North Wales Heathens


A small but growing community of Heathens who are looking to build a friendly inclusive community together with regular meetings.

Alengðar Foreldra


A Family of Like-minded pagans that wish to create a better future for our children.

Sweyne's Ey kindred

South Wales

A small, informal, inclusive Heathen community based in South-Wales (UK), though we also operate online and may host events further afield from time to time.

Berkshire Heathens


Suitable for solitary Heathens and those already connected to others, our group aims to bring together heathens online with the aim of social meets and creating a community for events and moots.

Woden Thing


It's a semi social gathering and meetings usually have a discussion on a heathen topic.
We do however meet for seasonal rites and have a blót and food share feast for Winternights in October, Yule in December and Sigrblot in April.

North West Heathens

North West England

Practicing Heathens of various paths visiting many sites across North West England with a strong online presence.

Heathens of Lothian

Edinburgh and Lothian

A group holding monthly social meetups and rituals with an online book club.

East Scotland Wandering Heathen Moot

East Coast Scotland

A group that meets for moots along the East Coast of Scotland

Wolfcross Kindred


A Kindred for those who worship the Nordic gods and goddesses but do not denounce their Christian background.

Amber Valley


Amber Hearth is an all inclusive group . Focusing more on the Animistic aspect of heathenry. We are active and meet mostly to do Blots or Sumbels. We also create space for talks, learning, discussion and growth.

Isle of Wight Kindred

Isle of Wight

A group of Heathens that meet on the isle of Wight.

London Heathen Kindred


A gathering of friendly Heathens running social meetings and seasonal ceremonies in London.

Police Pagan Association


A police staff support association, created to support Pagan police officers and staff, and to build relationships between our Pagan communities and the police.

East Anglian Heathen Kindred

East Anglia

Aims to promote and provide heathen community within the counties of East Anglia.

Surrey Hills Heathen Kindred

Surrey Hills

Small, friendly group providing a safe space for networking between Heathens.

Bucks Heathens


A group with the aim to develop a Kindred to hold regular moots and sacred rites.

Three Castles Kindred

Three Castles

Friendly social pub moots that move between centres monthly. Monthly online gatherings and open outdoor blots for major festivals.

Asatru Scotland


A page to help people living in Scotland find other Asatruers near them and facilitate the building of community.

Heathen Kindred Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland

For those living in Northern Ireland and who are interested in heathenry, Norse religion and study.

Oak Hill Kindred


Authentic and Inclusive Heathen Community celebrating the holy tides in a small purpose built temple or in places of natural beauty.

Heathers of Dorset


HoD endeavours to hold weekly, monthly and yearly moots to honour the Norse/Anglo Saxon/Germanic and spiritual ways, and the ever changing seasons.

Salgofnir’s Call Heathen Kindred


Emphasising the social aspects of a hearth, we are open to all heathens in Lancashire & Greater Manchester area. Pagans of other flavours are also welcome, though please bear in mind the topic at hand will be heathenry.

Heathens of Merica


A Heathen kindred based in and covering the old Kingdom of Mercia. We are an inclusive community dedicated to building frith and worshipping the gods.

Devon Heathen Kindred


A group for anyone in Devon UK interested in Heathenry, whether Norse, Anglo-Saxon, Fyrnsidu, Asatru and so on.

The Kith of Northumbria


Regular weekly moots for socialising and Sunday online meetings. Rituals also held now and again.

Gloucestershire Heathens


An open for all Heathen community with regular meetings and events.

Chesterfield Heathens


Open group for socialising, discussions and rituals. Most important are the regular tea and buns at their local!

Asatru Wales


A place for discussion and learning for Asatruar of the old country.

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